Available College Consulting Services

Reach out to get started on a customized  program!

Middle School Program

Adolescent Latino male wearing black t-shirt with big smile on his face

How do students get the most from their education? By understanding that what they are learning relates to who they are, what they are interested in, and who they want to be in the future. That is the underlying ethos of Future InSight. An ideal time for students to start preparing for their future is when they are choosing their courses during middle school. We provide expert guidance for students to optimize their experiences by exploring interests, developing strong work habits, and challenging themselves academically as high school approaches.

  • ✧ Assess interests and strengths

    ✧ Explore career pathways

    ✧ Develop high school success strategies

    ✧ Advise on course selection

    ✧ Develop a 4-year high school plan

9th & 10th Grade Program

Ethnically diverse group of three high school boys playing basketball

High school is a time when students can develop ideas and interests that will inform their choice of classes, college majors, and eventual careers. Students can make the most of these years by exploring interest areas through taking thoughtfully selected courses and participating in related activities. They will be able to more clearly visualize their future and how to get there. This program will help students confidently navigate their journey towards college.

  • ✧ Assess interest and strengths

    ✧ Explore career pathways

    ✧ Develop high school success strategies

    ✧ Advise on course selection

    ✧ Evaluate transcripts

    ✧ Consider dual/concurrent enrollment

    ✧ Provide college admissions overview

    ✧ Explore the different types of colleges

    ✧ Examine academic, social, and financial fit

    ✧ Monitor academic progress

    ✧ Review testing options and timelines

    ✧ Match activities to interests and goals

11th & 12th Grade Program

Three ethnically diverse high school students at table chatting and looking at laptops

This is our most popular and comprehensive program! Drawing on students’ academic and extracurricular experiences to date, we shift the focus toward being competitive in the college admissions process. We work with students to closely match strengths and interests to potential careers and to identify appropriate educational pathways. Our overarching goal is to help students and families successfully navigate the remaining steps of their journey toward college while reducing stress and anxiety.

  • ✧ Assess interests and strengths

    ✧ Explore career pathways

    ✧ Develop high school success strategies

    ✧ Advise on course selection

    ✧ Evaluate transcripts

    ✧ Consider dual/concurrent enrollment

    ✧ Provide college admissions overview

    ✧ Explore different types of colleges

    ✧ Examine academic, social, and financial fit

    ✧ Monitor academic progress

    ✧ Review testing options and timelines

    ✧ Match activities to interests and goals

    ✧ Explore college majors

    ✧ Curate activities list for maximum impact

    ✧ Consider ACT/SAT options

    ✧ Develop necessary timelines

    ✧ Provide financial aid overview

    ✧ Introduce scholarship search tools

    ✧ Examine application submission options

    ✧ Build college list for best overall fit

    ✧ Facilitate application process

    ✧ Support development of strong essays

    ✧ Advise on recommender selection

    ✧ Prep student for college interviews

    ✧ Review acceptances/financial aid offers

    ✧ Assist with final school selection

Senior Quick Start Program

Curly-haired girl wearing glasses holding blue novel

Senior year is an exciting and very busy time. Our compassionate expertise can take a great deal of the burden from families and students working through the college application and financial aid process. The key here is structure and organization, which we provide. Students work with us through the summer and early fall to solidify their college lists and apply in a timely manner. This program is intended for students joining us after 11th grade and will be open on a space available basis.

  • ✧ Advise on course selection

    ✧ Evaluate transcripts

    ✧ Consider dual/concurrent enrollment

    ✧ Monitor academic progress

    ✧ Review available testing options

    ✧ Provide college admissions overview

    ✧ Explore college majors

    ✧ Curate activities list for maximum impact

    ✧ Develop necessary timelines

    ✧ Provide financial aid overview

    ✧ Introduce scholarship search tools

    ✧ Examine application submission options

    ✧ Build college list for best overall fit

    ✧ Facilitate application process

    ✧ Support development of strong essays

    ✧ Advise on recommender selection

    ✧ Prep for college interviews

    ✧ Review acceptances/financial aid offers

    ✧ Assist with final school selection

Writing Only Programs

With these programs students create impactful, revealing essays (Common App), and if applying to the University of California, responses to the required Personal Insight Questions (PIQs). In doing so, a student will present their best self in applications, allowing admissions officers to see who they truly are and the unique qualities they have to offer their schools.  Time permitting, supplemental essays will also be addressed. An optional add-on is to have full support in completing the Activities Sections for both Common App and UC or state schools.

  • ✧ Educate students on the college essay: its purpose and best approach

    ✧ Support preliminary self-exploration

    ✧ Discuss experiences and brainstorm ideas

    ✧ Help student to choose their essay topic(s).

    ✧ Guide students through the writing process

    ✧ Provide meaningful feedback on drafts and revisions

    ✧ Consider grammar, clarity, and essay flow.

    ✧ Optional work on maximizing the impact of application activities sections.

Final Countdown for Seniors

Two cupped hands holding scrabble tiles that spell out the word senior

This program is for seniors who know where they want to apply, and join us mid-November through January. We offer an experienced review of the college list and may suggest changes as needed so that it includes a range of appealing schools that offer the best overall fit. Students will be supported through the steps needed for a successful application process. This program will be rolled out on a quick and customized schedule. Final Countdown clients are accepted on a space-available basis. Please contact us ASAP!

  • ✧ Evaluate transcript

    ✧ Finalize college list for best overall fit

    ✧ Develop necessary timelines

    ✧ Provide application and essay support

    ✧ Introduce scholarship search tools

    ✧ Curate activities list for maximum impact

    ✧ Advise on test score submission

    ✧ Provide financial aid overview

    ✧ Advise on recommender selection

    ✧ Prep for student interviews

    ✧ Review acceptances/financial aid offers

    ✧ Assist with final school selection process

For each successive program purchased, a discount will be given.